Wednesday, 8 June 2011

I Survived

     I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. That was a very common phrase that ran through my head numerous times over the last 6 days. That and I don't get paid enough.
     You see my husband has been away at a technical conference. I am thrilled he got to go and I'm even more then happy that he presented something about a program that he wrote or something like that. Anyway back to my point. He left, alone, without me and without kids. Hence that left me and the kids home together for the entire 6 days.
     We got off to a bit of a rough start, you know the usual I don't want to go to beds and I wish dad was here pleas. Some how we all made it through to Saturday. After many there's nothing to dos, I caved and bought them a pool to play in. Sunday was a breeze, we did the farmer's market in the morning and papa took them to the beach in the afternoon.
     Things were looking promising, we were going to get through this without any tears. Then we had a wonky blood sugar night and it was all shattered. Not enough sleep equals one cranky mama bear and a crabby cub. But we pushed through. Tuesday sailed by. All was well. We rounded the corner into Wednesday, the home stretch.
     The final count down is on. James was flying back from Hamilton tonight and he is sitting in Calgary on his stop over as I write this.
     I learned several things from this time apart that I would like to share (some are things that the kids have pointed out over the last 6 days) :
1. Morgan says I don't burn the hamburgers as black as daddy so that's a good thing.
2. Life does go on without the tv on during supper, even more to the point life doesn't end if the hockey game isn't watched.
3. Although James doesn't do much to help out around the house, he is an extra set of eyes to keep watch of the kids. (Don't boo me, I already said this to his face so it's not a surprise to him)
4. There's less yelling when James isn't home. Or maybe it's that I have to yell twice as much to make up for his half. I'm not sure really, just noticed a difference in the amount of yelling. I mean the loud encouragement.
5. I miss my husband. We don't actually spend much time together in the evenings, but I like the option.
     I also learned that in a pinch I can do it. I can make it through. I can dress, feed, care for and love the kids. I can make supper and get homework done. I can do all the finger pokes and appointments. I can read and cuddle and tuck in. I can hug and kiss and whisper I love you. I can. I survived.
     And although I did it, I'm glad that James is on his way home. Because as awesome as I was alone, we make a rocking team.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you did awesomely Jen! I had to giggle at the "loud encouragement" thing too...lolol
