Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Do as I????

     Do you practice what you preach? Do you turn the other cheek? Do you utter the words, "Do as I say and not as I do?" Do you model acceptable behavior or do you just expect your children to do it?
     I am a guilty person by nature. It doesn't matter if I had something to do with whatever is going or not, I'll still feel bad. I hurt when other people hurt. I am embarrassed when things happen to other people. I wear my feelings out there. For every one to see. I also like to think of myself as a very fair and honest person. I try my absolute hardest to treat others with respect. I will not ask any one to do anything that I myself would not do.
     With all of that being said. Something happened today and it has left me feeling awkward, a little shocked and somewhat angry. There was a group of people and we were trying to accomplish something. One person knew more about what we were doing then the other people. So we were asking questions and seeking some clarification. Well I guess one person asked one too many questions and the other person kind of said something that I at least found kind of rude and in a very harsh tone.
     I knew as soon as the words left the person's mouth that I was a little upset by them. I thought it was out of place and not really necessary. I felt bad for the person that the words were said to and lastly I was kind of, sort of embarrassed to be one of the people associated with what was going on.
     Now here I sit much later and I'm shocked and a little mad. First and foremost at myself. As I feel that I should have probably have said something. I'm not sure what but something like that wasn't necessary or maybe we should mind our manners. I'm not sure really. All I know is now I feel bad that I just kind of stood there.
     Maybe this bothers me because I know better. And worst I teach my children all the time that they know better. I constantly remind them to use their manners, use their best behavior and above all else you protect and respect those around you. When someone else can not find their words or are at a disadvantage for whatever reason, you be their strong person. You say something, you help them, you correct the unacceptable behavior from the other person. You don't stand there and just let someone be put down or walked on. PERIOD.
     Granted we were all adults in this interaction but it was still wrong. I think if my children would have been there and seen this all happen that they would have been disappointed in my lack of reaction to the situation. I can hear the youngest saying, "We don't talk to people like that", or my son saying, "That person wasn't very nice, they didn't even say please". And although those would be a very simplistic observation to the situation they are when it's all boiled down, RIGHT.
     So although tonight I am less then proud of the fact that I just stood there. I am proud that for the most part my children practice what I preach. Tonight I turned the other cheek, and for this reason tomorrow I will set things right. Because at the end of the day I want my kids to do as I do and not just as I say.

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