Sunday, 15 May 2011

There is no "I" in Team

     A team is generally a group of people working towards a common goal. It can be a sports team, a charity, a debate team or society. It usually consists of a number of people that put their heads together and work together in order to obtain something or reach a preset goal. Not every one in the group has to always agree or want to go about reaching the goal in the same way. However for the most part everyone is usually respectfully and appreciative of having other's help.
     Volunteering is an amazing way to give, to give to the people around you, to give to your community and to give to yourself. Often being part of an above mentioned group, means that you are volunteering your time. You are giving your time and energy free of charge for the greater good. You are accepting that you are one single member of a larger group. Every member of the group is equally as important and provides an individual perspective on everything. Some might be able to give more then other's, but in the end it usual works itself out. 
     When functioning as part of a group you have to remember that your actions and behaviour in regards to that group reflect on the whole group. When one person sets a poor example it becomes easy for people to think that the whole group is of a similar collective thought.
     When I work in a group I try very hard to remember that it's not about me. It's not about what I want to personally see happen. It's not up to me to sway the minds of other's until they all agree with me. A group is not my own personal platform to force my thoughts and opinions on those around me even after a decision has been made. I am not always perfect in maintaining this objective but I try. And I try again and I try some more. 
     I have worked with some great people over the last few years on a committee and I still appreciate every minute, every thought and every idea that they gave. I didn't always agree with every thing that went on but I always tried to give what I could of me to support the cause. 
     Recently I was reminded that once in awhile not everyone looks at a group effort in the same light. And I would like to say at the end of the day it doesn't matter as long as the goal was reached. But that's not true and it's not fair to all the people that put in hard work and were ignored or not acknowledged at the very least. I think it's no coincidence that there is no "I" in team. So lets all work a team.

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