Thursday, 14 April 2011

Suckie TV Night = A Blog is Born

     A rainy Thursday night coupled with reruns on tv and some very gentle arm twisting of another mom this blog has come to be. The idea was always there, kind of bouncing around in my little head but the thought of putting time into sharing my life (as wonderful as it is) with the masses was well kind of tiring. But boredom has made me look at it in a whole new light.
     I have opinions (more then most according to my husband) and for the most part I like to share them. Also some days are just completely kick my butt and hand it to me tough and it might be nice to have an outlet for all the emotions that can occasionally stir up.
     Now I know some people out there are a little more sensitive then others so I may as well just throw this out there from the start. Our youngest is type 1 diabetic and it's an every day kind of thing so it may come up once in a while (HA....who am I kidding, it will come up and it will come up as often as I feel the need to share), so if it's not your kind of thing just skip over that part and enjoy the rest of the party that is my life.
     Speaking of party lets start this new adventure with a wonderfully beautiful video that a new and dear friend made just for Chasey.

     Well I think that's it for me tonight. It's program registration day at the kid's school tomorrow and just like a concert if you want the good seats, in this case a space in one of the more popular classes to pick from you have to be prepared to stand in line and crush the hopes of all the other little people wanting to get a spot in that class. I know, I know it's insanity to go to a school and stand in line at 8:00am in anticipation of getting your kids into a $20 program. However if you are successful in said mission you will be the most rocking mom, well in that moment anyway. But it's worth it.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so glad it was a rainy night with nothing good on tv! I can't wait to read your posts Jen. I love hearing your take on things over on Facebook...:o)
