Sunday, 24 April 2011

In Your Face Diabetes

     Warning: This is a post about our life, our life with diabetes. So if you think it might offend you or cause you to want to post something that will not be appreciated by my daughter or myself, please pass on reading it. Just sayin. Thanks.
     For any of you that know the littlest member of our family, you know what a sweet tooth she has. So it comes of no surprise that she wants chocolate for breakfast, lunch and supper on this wonderful day we call Easter. Now given that this time two years ago Chasey was diagnosed, I found then and still do, Easter to be the most difficult holiday of the year. Now we know some would say just cut out the chocolate and replace it with something else, to you I say cut out something that you love you get back to me.
     Now being that I don't believe in taking a backseat and letting diabetes rule the day, we indulge Chasey's love of chocolate just like we do for her brother and sister. And we chase the numbers and we smile as she does the happy dance while eating chocolate with her breakfast. For you see although we have to acknowledge you diabetes, and we have to accommodate you, and even put you in the corner on a time out sometimes, just know that we are here and we are alert and we are in control of this car.
     So it came as a great relief that at the end of the day, her numbers were stellar. After cake and two pieces of pie and I'm sure a long line of endless chocolate eggs that magically found their way into her tummy we had a 4.3 at supper. And then when we retested tonight a 5.7.
     Chasey is a rockstar and I'm thrilled she enjoyed her day and secretly I'm glad that I kicked diabetes butt, even if it's just a small victory. Because in the end the payoff was Chasey, being Chasey in all her chocolatey glory. Happy Easter Che Che Bear.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad she had a wonderful day!! I can't help but smile at the image of her dancing about getting to eat chocolate just like the other kids. So, glad diabetes played nice for you and her numbes were great! Good job Momma!! Happy Easter!
